
What is propolis?

Propolis is a resinous mixture that worker bees collect in early spring and autumn from leaf buds of various plants. Bees use it as a sealant for unwanted open spaces in hive, to protect it from moist, wind and insects and to disinfect the hive before the queen bee lays eggs. Bees use propolis to mummify the bodies of insects that entered the hive and couldn't come out. It is believed that propolis is the reason there are no infections in such a small space with so many living beings.

What is in proplis?

Propolis contains more than 80 organic and inorganic compounds in the ideal ratio. Only one third of them have been analysed. The most important ingredients in propolis are: flavones, turpentines, essential oils, phenols, phenolic acids and various aromatic compounds.


In folk medicine, propolis in form of ointment is considered to be a cure for malignant tumors. It is used for: asthma, stomach ulcer and various heart conditions. It is used to treat catarrhal inflammation of mouth, pharynx and esophagus. It is used to disinfect open wounds and to alleviate gum inflammation. If kept in mouth, it acts as a mild anaesthetic. It also helps with burns.

It is sold in form of alcoholic tincture and ointment, or as an addition to various products. We recommend mixing 20 ml of alcohollic tincture of 30% propolis in 500 g of high quality honey. Take a teaspoon of the mixture 2-3 times a day, waiting for the honey to melt in your mouth.


Some people are allergic to propolis. If you have never used it, it is best to do a simple test. Put a small amount of propolis tincture on your skin and let it stay for a while. If the skin doesn't redden, you are not allergic and you can use it. If it does, talk to your doctor for additional allergy testing.

How it is collected

Propolis is scraped off of hives using special nets. Propolis that is scraped off contains a lot of impurities and it is adequate for industrial usage. Clean propolis is collected from the nets and it is suitable for people to use.





Royal jelly




Bee venom


