Honeys of Island of Cres

Honeys of Island of Cres

Due to its geographical position and amazing biodiverstity, the island of Cres has always been one of the most interesting and attractive places for beekeepers in the Republic of Croatia. The length and the width of the island cause it to stretch through two separate climate areas, divided by a freshwater lake, the Vrana Lake. The height of the island also plays an important role. The majority of plants blossom near the sea and the process continues towards the higher areas. This is very important for honey production, because longer blossoming periods result in better productuon. Northern and western part of the island differ, as do northern and southern. Northern part seems to be torn off from the mountan of Učka by the sea and it is covered in forest, while the southern part of the island is lower, more mediterranean and with less trees. The central part of the island is the widest.

Plants that are the most important for honey production on the island of Cres are: sage (salvia officinalis), Jerusalem thorn (paliurus spina-christi), white horehound (marrubium vulgare), cornel (cornus mas), chestnut ( castanea sativa), strawberry tree (arbutus unedo), mint (mentha longifolia), blackberry (rubus fruticosus), downy oak (quercus pubescens), field maple (acer campestre) and many more.



Honeydew honeys


Sage honey


Mixed honey
